I am a Professor of Management at the George Mason School of Business.  

My primary research area is employee loyalty and high quality relationships in organizations, and I enjoy studying distributed, on-demand, and other non-traditional work contexts. My research has appeared in Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Academy of Management Annals, Organization Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Academy of Management Discoveries, among other outlets.  My research has also been covered by Time, NY Times, NPR, Forbes, and the Chicago Tribune.  I am the editor-in-chief at Academy of Management Discoveries. At AMD I am particularly passionate about promoting transparent and creative empirical exploratory work that will drive new lines of research.

I was the founder and first editor of the WorkTies website, which publicizes the science of positive and productive relationships at work.

I am also the director of the PhD Program at the George Mason University School of Business.

I have designed and taught courses on leadership, organizational behavior and negotiation at the MBA, EMBA, and Executive Education levels. I have been fortunate to lead several MBA trips to South America (Peru, Chile, & Argentina).

In addition to biking, in my free time I enjoy spending time exploring the world both near and far with my wife Alison and two daughters, Naomi and Blake.