
Rockmann, K.W. & Vough, H. (2024). Using quotes to present claims: Practices for the writing stages of qualitative research. Organizational Research Methods, forthcoming.

Bartel, C. & Rockmann, K.W. (2024). The Disease of Indifference: How Relational Systems Provide the Attentional Infrastructure for Organizational Resilience. Strategic Organization, 22(1): 18-48.

George, M., Wittman, S., & Rockmann, K.W. (2021). Transitioning the study of role transitions: Four challenges for management researchers. Academy of Management Annals. 16 (1): 102-133.

Cooper, D.*, Rockmann, K.W.*, Moteabbed, S., & Thatcher, S.M.B. (2020). Integrator or gremlin? Identity partnerships and team newcomer socialization. Academy of Management Review, 46(1): 128-146. *denotes each author contributed equally.

Rockmann, K.W. & Northcraft, G.B. (2018). The dilemma portfolio: A strategy to advance the study of social dilemmas in organizations. Academy of Management Annals. 12(2): 494-509

Rockmann, K.W., & Ballinger, G.B. (2017). Intrinsic Motivation and Organizational Identification Among On-Demand Workers. Journal of Applied Psychology, 102: 1305-1316.

Burris, E., Rockmann, K.W., & Kimmons, Y. (2017) The Value of Voice (to Managers): Employee Identification and the Content of Voice. Academy of Management Journal, 60: 2099-2125.

Rockmann, K.W., & Pratt, M.G. (2015). Contagious offsite work and the lonely office: The unintended consequences of distributed work. Academy of Management Discoveries, 1: 150-164.  

Dane, E., Rockmann, K.W., & Pratt, M.G. (2012). When should I trust my gut? Linking domain expertise to intuitive decision-making effectiveness.  Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 119: 187-194.

Rockmann, K.W., & Pratt, M.G.  (2011). Rethinking telecommuting and the distributed work organization.  Academy of Management: Best Paper Proceedings.

Ballinger, G.A., & Rockmann, K.W (2010). Chutes versus ladders: A punctuated-equilibrium perspective on social exchange relationships.  Academy of Management Review, 35, 373-391.  

McCarter, M.M., Rockmann, K.W., & Northcraft, G.B. (2010). Is it even worth it? The effect of outcome variance in public goods dilemmas.   Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes,111, 1-12.

Rockmann, K.W., & Northcraft, G.B. (2008) To be or not to be trusted: The influence of media richness on defection and deception. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 107, 106-122. 

Pratt, M.G., Rockmann, K.W., & Kaufmann, J. (2006) Constructing professional identity: The role of work and identity learning cycles in the customization of identity among medical residents. Academy of Management Journal, 49, 235-262.